South Carolina Leaders of
Mathematics Education
SCLME Purpose
Promotes the importance of mathematics leadership at all levels.›
Collaborates with other organizations, higher education, businesses, and educational entities to improve mathematics leadership.›
Provides and promotes professional learning opportunities to support leadership development.›
Establishes and maintains a communication network for all mathematics teachers, leaders, and other stakeholders.
President: Dr. Tonya Belton
›Past-President: Crissie Stapleton
›President-Elect: Alva R. White
›Secretary: Jennifer Thorsten
›Treasurer: Keisha Scott
​›Community Relations: Vacant
›Midlands Director: Cindy Washington
›Upstate Director: Brenda Kelley
›Low Country Director: Cathy DeMers
›NCTM/NCSM Representative: Kari Meldrum
SCLME Leadership
Stays abreast of educational issues and trends.
Studies current state mathematics standards and practices.
Is proactive rather than reactive.
Represents the organization as needed as a voice for mathematics concerning educational policy, content expectations, best practices, and assessment (e.g. SDE, State Board of Education, EOC).
Advocates for mathematics leadership at every level from the classroom to the State House.
SCLME Partnerships
SC State Department of Education›
Office of Standards and Learning›
Office of Assessment›
Education Oversight Committee›
IHEs and Research Centers›
Businesses Focused on Education